Kindness Can Start With US
Sometimes we may think life is pretty unkind. These feelings probably started years ago when we were brought up in an alcoholic home. The feeling that life is so unkind continues as we agonize over our addictions to people, places or things. We probably keep a running account of all the unkind areas of our lives whether it is family, loved ones, bosses, major disappointments, sickness. "Life has dealt me a terrible blow!" we might think.
But kindness can start with us! How many times today could we have smiled instead of frowned? We could have let someone in traffic in instead of ignoring them. We could have called someone and spoken a few kind words instead of putting it off again. We could have complimented someone instead of telling them what they did wrong.
We can't change the unkindness of what already happened today but we can make changes in how we behave starting right now.